Varia Fails -Garmin replaces!

I’ve had my Garmin Varia RTL515 for years now. I bought the earlier version (RTL 510) which became an immediate “must have” on my rides. I’d never leave home without it. Unfortunately the battery did not last much more than 120 km at my usual slowish speed.

I bought the RTL515 and use it as my main rear light. In summer it lasts at least 150-160 km before the low battery alert, at which point I turn it off (making sure that it is fully turned off and that the bluetooth light is not blinking) and use the RTL510 which takes over seamlessly.

During my last ride I found it difficult to switch off the 515; the button appeared to be slightly depressed. The cheapest source for a new device was Lordgun, based in Italy (no customs duty to pay because the unit is priced at under £135). Not wishing to spend the money, I phoned Garmin Support and was told “We have determined that your device is still covered by warranty”. I was given a fix to try - basically holding it under streaming warm water, presumably to wash away any dirt that might be affecting the power button. This did not work.

It will shortly be on its way back to Garmin, using a pre-paid UPS label, for replacement with a certified replacement device.

All devices reach end of life at some stage. You can’t get better service than Garmin provided on this occasion.

Following Week

Garmin sent me a prepaid label to return the device via UPS, which I did on Thursday. The replacement arrived the following Tuesday.

Garmin RTL 515 returned by Garmin free of charge

I charged it and used it on my next ride. So far, so really good. It lasted the whole 200 km with charge to spare. Maybe I rode a little faster, maybe the warm day helped, perhaps the newer battery is more efficient.


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